Eric Holder Statement on Redistricting Bill in New Hampshire

Washington, D.C. — Following Governor Sununu vetoing a bipartisan redistricting reform proposal, Eric H. Holder, Jr., the 82nd Attorney General of the United States and Chairman of NDRC, released the following statement: 

“Governor Sununu’s refusal to sign the common sense, bipartisan bill that would have made the redistricting process more fair is completely unacceptable. With a simple stroke of a pen, he could have joined with Democrats and Republicans in the state legislature who worked together on a bill to create a more representative democracy and put the interests of the people ahead of politicians. The Governor apparently wants to perpetuate a system where politicians pick their voters and citizens do not get to choose their representatives. Coupled with his other actions today, the Governor has truly revealed himself to be a captive of the special interests who fear the will of the people. He has disrespected Granite Staters who deserve a government that truly works for them and not just for those who have special connections. 

“The people of New Hampshire deserve a transparent, independent redistricting commission designed to redraw the electoral maps fairly – not favoring either party. The fight to end gerrymandering should transcend political ideology. People from both parties agreed with this. Governor Sununu has shown that he’s out of step and unable to look past narrow political interests. Along with other people who truly believe in our democracy, we will work to ensure that the voters in New Hampshire have an opportunity to put into office elected officials who stand with them.”

In June, AG Holder joined with former California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger on an op-ed in support of the redistricting proposal in New Hampshire. You can read it here:
