New Hampshire Republicans Join GOP-Led Legislatures Across the U.S. in Gerrymandering

November 3, 2021

Washington, D.C. – Today, Republican legislators in New Hampshire released a draft congressional map that gerrymanders the state’s two congressional districts. This follows an alarming pattern that is unfolding across the nation in states where Republican-led legislatures control the redistricting process. 
“The egregious Republican proposal is blatant partisan gerrymandering and a power grab,” said Liz Wester, the NDRC’s Deputy States Director. “Their map breaks apart communities that have been kept together in the same congressional districts for 140 years. New Hampshire Republicans are joining their partisan colleagues across the country by trying to take competitive districts off the map. New Hampshire should maintain its two competitive districts, ensuring more responsive elected officials. Republicans clearly need to go back to the drawing board.”
The map proposed by New Hampshire Republicans packs Democratic-leaning voters into one congressional district in order to create a second more Republican-leaning congressional district. Rather than keeping the districts as they were drawn in 2011, which has allowed competition between both parties in both districts, New Hampshire Republicans have decided to follow the same pattern of partisan gerrymandering as other Republican-led legislatures who control the redistricting process. 
